Creator and director: Andrejs Jarovojs
Co-creator and choreographer: Kristīne Brīniņa
Set and costume designer: Justīne Jasjukeviča
Assistant to set and costume designer: Dana Deineko
Lights: Līva Kalniņa
Co-creators and performers: Anna Klišāne, Arturs Muskars, Jurģis Lūsis, Roberta Gailīte
Visual identity: Patrīcija Luiza Broka
Producer: Ģertrūdes ielas teātris
Co-producer: Latvijas Leļļu teātris
Supported by: the State Culture Capital Foundation and Riga City Municipality

Premiere: 30/11/2024

Duration: 1h 25 min
Language: no problem

Venue details:

Ģertrūdes iela 101a

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Clothes, as a necessity to survive and fit in, in a system driven by endless progress have become a threat to ourselves. In the new world, the weather changes more unpredictably than the mood, and the landscape is amde up of colorful mountains of synthetic clothing. But despite the chaos caused by ecological collapse, people continue their daily routines with admirable ingenuity and stubbornness. Even when the natural order of things has to be reinvented. A performance about paradoxical human nature, 4 seasons and 52 seasons of fast fashion. 

Andrejs Jarovojs
creates theatre and dance performances as a director, co-author and dramaturg. He is a seeker of new theatrical forms and means of expression, exploring the language of theatre, signs, space, time and communication with the audience. He recieved the Latvian theatre "Spēlmaņu nakts 2020/2021" award "for his compelling conceptual experimentation resulting in innovative contemporary theatre forms and open messages, providing both the audience and the performer with an unadulterated joy of discovery from performance to performance."

Kristīne Brīniņa is a choreographer, dancer and performer. Her works are based on everyday life situations, which are carefully and fragilely translated into art forms with seemingly simple movements. Kristīne says: "I document and observe dance in it - the documentary method of dance, that is what I do. The documentary method opens up a space for what else dance can be. I cannot draw the boundaries anymore - now it is a choice of what I take from all this dance, what is the most important thing to put into a particular work." Kristīne's performances have been nominated for Latvian Theatre Award "Spēlmaņu nakts" and the Latvian Dance Award several times, and in 2023 Kristīne recieved the "Spēlmaņu nakts" award in the nomination "Choreographer of the Year" for her work in the performance "Hamlet" directed by Viesturs Kairišs at M. Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre.

Latvian Ministry of Welfare supports the European Social Fund project “Support for Social Entrepreneurship” No.