Playwright: Mikhail Durnenkov
Director: Lera Surkova
Performers: Guna Zariņa, Gitis Ivanauskas, Alexander Malikov
At the piano: Rihards Plešanovs
Stage designer: Māra Broka
Electronic music: Olga Krikova
Translation: Arvis Vigulis
Producer: Yevgenya Shermeneva, KatlZ
Duration: 2:00
Performance in Russian, with subtitles in Latvian.
The play consists of 12 short stories written in the form of sketches or monologues. Each novella has its own storyline, yet all together they create a united dramatic timeline. The characters of the play are just like us, regardless of origin; they are ordinary people, parents and children, husbands and wives. They are plagued by the same issues that we are: fear of losing our loved ones and family bonds, the overwhelming technological progress, the helpless elderly on the countryside. They are worried about the consumer society that picks the best of the best and has forgotten the meaning of true feelings. Add aggression flaming in the streets and the countless ways of escaping reality.
Latvian Ministry of Welfare supports the European Social Fund project “Support for Social Entrepreneurship” No.