Baltic Contemporary Opera Network

The Baltic Contemporary Opera Network is a joint initiative led by partners from Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia. Its overarching goal is to facilitate cultural exchange, the sharing of best practices, and the development of collaborative ventures within the realm of contemporary opera. This genre is an outstanding cultural phenomenon that represents the Baltics on the international stage. The network's focus lies in fostering cooperation among independent creators and producers within the region.

- Vilnius City Municipality Contemporary Opera Production House “Operomanija” (Vilnius, Lithuania) –;
- Association “Sansusī” & Alternative Chamber Music Festival “Sansusī” (Riga, Aknīste, Latvia) –;
- Theatre Ģertrūdes ielas teātris (Riga, Latvia) –;
- NGO “NewOpera” (Tallinn, Orissaare, Estonia) –

Network's activities and time schedule meeting plan:
- April 25 – 28 – Vilnius, Lithuania
- August 9 –11 – Aknīste, Latvia (during the "Sansusī" festival)
- September 26 – 27 – Tartu, Estonia
- November 7 – 9 – Riga, Latvia

To establish an optimal learning and collaborative environment and maximize opportunities for networking, we have designed diverse activity formats. Besides live performances and performative lectures, we will organise panel discussions, pitching sessions, group brainstorming sessions and diverse assessments. Each hosting country will contribute the most fitting and practical programme. In Vilnius, the emphasis will be on exhibiting the field with the most extensive experience in contemporary opera. This will include panel discussions, creators showcasing their work or ideas in a pitch format, performances, and a final discussion to conclude. During the summer, participants will take part in the Alternative Chamber Music Festival “Sansusi” in Aknīste, while in Tallinn they will gain an insight into the expertise in the region and have the opportunity to connect with a variety of institutions capable of supporting the development of this particular art form. Finally, a meeting in Riga will offer a platform to present the contextual background of the country, and the series of networking meetings will culminate in the formulation of the strategy of the “Baltic Contemporary Opera Network” and the corresponding implementation plan.

Due to differing status quos, each partner has slightly different objectives; however, they are united in their commitment to promote contemporary opera, new music theatre in the Baltic States, and cross-border collaboration. The growth of contemporary opera has progressed at varying rates throughout the Baltic States in recent decades, with international cooperation tending to focus on partners in Western Europe. Despite this, potential for cooperation between the Baltic States remains largely unexplored. We are confident in our ability to collaborate on enhancing contemporary opera culture, which is undoubtedly one of the most intricate art forms. The expertise, experience, and drive possessed by our project partners afford us the opportunity to make a noteworthy impact on the international arena of music theatre. Whether it be through educational exchanges, artistic co-productions, or shared international endeavours, we are certain that we can achieve great things together. Contemporary opera has the potential to become a distinctive and exceptional representation of the cultural identity of the Baltic States.

The Network is supported by Nordic Culture Point, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Latvian Ministry of Welfare supports the European Social Fund project “Support for Social Entrepreneurship” No.